I am for Black Life.
I am for an art that sees a dancer as a human first.
I am for Black art.
I am for an art that allows the artist to change and grow.
I am for an art that performs rage with a smile.
I am for choose-your-own-journey art.
I am for physicality.
I am for the theoretical.
I am for discomfort.
I am for Jazz.
I am for an art that is connected to the world.
I am for memory.
I am for an art that acknowledges the spirit.
I am for an art that doesn’t insist on its artfulness.
I am for surrealism.
I am for “Nah, y’all get to participate” art.
I am for an art that transfixes the viewer.
I am for an art that allows the artist/ art form to not be fixed.
I am for interdisciplinary/multidisciplinary efforts.
I am for an art that does not need a viewer.
I am for guiding.
I am for liberally giving access.
I am for inquiry.
I am for the body as a text.
I am for literacy.
I am for an art/artist that you cannot always find on social media.
I am for living.